
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

13 Signs You've Hit Rock Bottom In The Fashion Department (GIFS)

You know the feeling: You wake up in the morning, and all you can bring yourself to wear is... a t-shirt. And sweatpants. And maybe Toms, but flip-flops might have to do. You've hit sartorial rock bottom, whether due to closet boredom, lack of inspiration, a shopping drought or sheer laziness. You and your wardrobe are in a rut, and you've got to get out.

Sound familiar? Here are some telltale signs you're on your way to a fashion breakdown. Recognizing a threat is the first step towards preventing it

All your clothing has school names on it.
You're wearing Uggs.
When you're too lazy to pull on Uggs, you turn to flip-flops.
Wearing heels? Unfathomable.
You are definitely not wearing a bra.
You're choosing your pants based on your food schedule.
It's all sweatpants, all the time.
Actually, screw pants. Leggings are where it's at.
Eventually, you abandon bottoms altogether.
You've started wearing bikini bottoms as underwear.
Matching is, like, whatever.
Sizes cease to matter.
You still think you have "nothing to wear."
Some more individuals who could use a fashion intervention:
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